Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hello Kitty Knapsack

I come home from work, and see that my wife had taken the kids to the mall(never a good idea to let them go by themselves), so my daughter shows me her pretty Hello Kitty knapsack she got for school, look Ta, it even comes with a Hello kitty lunch bag, and a Hello Kitty wallet. My wife turns to me and says don`t even ask how much? I asked her you could`nt control her that you had to spend $40.00 on that, it was`nt her, it was the guy in the kiosk that suckered me into it. I was not happy.
The night continued with a Delicious supper made the wife, and then she had a wedding in Monsey. Was very happy for her to go, she was supposed to meet alot of friends that she has not seen in a while. Since I was home myself with the kids I started out by giving the kids baths, putting them in the carriage and going for a 1 and a half hour walk. It was nice, every few minutes the older one(3 years old), got out and wanted to walk, we went to a park for a little bit, but there were way to many fly`s and bugs, so we had to leave. When we got home i was to lazy to walk all the way up to our third floor apartment, so just opted to hang out on the grass outside for a while. Kids had fun, it was nice.
We went upstairs, as soon as we walked in the door, I get a phone call from my wife, she did not sound right, I asked if everything is OK, she said yes, BUT, you can just imagine how fast my heart was beating. So what`s the but? I should not be driving at night by myself, She says, I`m so tired, and can`t keep my eyes opened, she promised to call me if she is to tired to drive home herself, don`t know what I would have done, but I`m sure I would have been able to make some sort of an arrangement.
Now it`s time to start with bed time, so thankfully  the kids were already in PJ`s so that worked out well. The older one went straight to bed. The younger(10 months)felt a little feverish, so gave her some Motrin, a bottle, and put her to bed as well. I sat down to finish up an episode of master chef, continued on to Americas Got Talent, and then was just fiddling around online, when I did a search for something, a certain video came up, which I should not have watched, it`s been a while now since I`ve been into this stuff, and was really proud that I stopped, but my yetzer hora just got to the better of me. I started watching for about two and a half minutes, but thankfully stopped, I shut down the computer went to the other room so I can Daven Mariv, and started cleaning up the apartment.
Thinking about it now, I`ve been so good for so long, I can`t believe I got back into it, especially in Elul. I hope it was a one time thing, and should not have this yetzer hora, again.
Anybody out there battle this battle as well, how do I overcome these tavous?
Overall I think it was a great night for everyone else, except my run in, and my daughter I think went to sleep the happiest of us all, with her Hello Kitty knapsack.


  1. You are not the only one with such teivos, all men have them, and the only way I keep my husband safe from himself is by having a very strong web filter, to which only I know the password.

    Have an honest conversation with your wife, because she's probably the only one who can keep you in line...

  2. Thanks for the response. That idea has crossed my mind, but I guess I still need the courage to tell my wife about the one thing(actually 2, this blog), that I have kept from her.
