Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School Shopping

Went home last night after work, and really felt better about this new blog/diary that I started. I so wanted to tell my wife since I tell her just about everything, including that I started saving $ every week for the sole purpose of buying her a present. (I just cant hold any secrets from my wife) I decided for now this is my diary and will hold back from telling, maybe tonight will be different, I don`t know. The kids really behaved well, although the youngest of the 2 had some fever. We decided to do a little school shopping since school is starting at the end of the week, for some reason my wife loves to wait for last minute, when sales are over, or when stores are just out of what we need. We were a bit successful, we got another booster seat for carpool. In a way I am sort of happy that we were not successful, since there really is no money in the bank account for this, but its something we had to do. I am hoping next week will be a bit better financially and we will be able to make the purchases. On our way home from the mall, the kids fell asleep in the car, so we were able to carry them up, and put them straight into bed, I ran out for Mincha/Mariv. to come home to 2 sleeping beauties. The rest of the night the wife and I cleaned up, and had a great night enjoying each others company. Overall I think yesterday turned out to be a great day, and will hopefully carry over to today.
For now that`s all folks.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Why am I so mad?

I was quite bothered this weekend I`m not sure why this particular episode bothered me so much, but here goes. My younger sister just got married last week Sunday night. My aunt from my father`s side took home videos of the wedding, mostly of our family(meaning not my mother`s side, or the choson`s side), She made a copy of the DVD for the Choson and kallah, who watched it, and gave it over to her older sister during sheva brochos to watch. I put in a request to get it next, everyone agreed, we decided that I would get it from them by Shabbos Sheva brochos. Well after Shabbos i ask the older sister for the DVD, and was told that it was given by her husband to my mother, i was so mad. I don`t know why, but it always bothered me, and still does bother me, whenever my mother takes something that belongs in my fathers side of the family, but he has no concept of how these divorced family's work(for the record he does come from a divorced home as well, but there everyone is still talking, and everything is all good, I don't think he knows about any of the garbage by his parents since he didn't care and was able to get spoiled by them, maybe its a good thing, but he has no idea how to keep things separate and that's what makes me more mad than anything). When I asked the Kallah to please get it the next time she is in the house, her response is I`ll try. Why is everyone so scared of my mother? Why does she come before everyone else?
I`m lost maybe others that have gone thru some of the same things can help shed some light as to why this bothers me so much.

First Post

I would not necerserlly call myself a blogger, since this is not my first blog, but my other blogs were either business related, or just family pictures so my parents and siblings can all see be on top of whats going on. I`m not sure myself why I started this blog, I guess i just need some sort of diary where I can write things down. I actually come from a divorced home, and have seen and been part of alot, that i don't want for my children, on the other hand, because I come from a divorced home, I have some very different views than my wife which could make things quite complicated. My parents had 3 kids together, myself and 2 sisters. All of whom remarried, actually we just finished Sheva Brochos for my youngest 2 days ago.
As I am sitting here I have so many things flying thru my head that I would love to write, but I see I am getting ahead of myself since I would like to keep myself as well as my family anonymous, so each post will have to be thought out, but hopefully this will be a good venting system for myself, and will be able to make some good conversations with others to be able to help each other out.